Monday, April 19, 2010

Tons of Reviews!

Thanks so much to all of the reviewers that are posting this past week. They've been rolling in and it's been fun to see what each person likes in particular.

Rachelle Christensen--Author

Sheila--Why Not? Because I Said So

Queen of the Clan--Danyelle Ferguson

Women in the Scriptures

Lu Ann's Library

LDS Women's Book Review

Also, I'm getting ready for the LDS Storymakers Conference this weekend. Annette Lyon and I are running the early morning Boot Camp. I'm also teaching a workshop and moderating a panel. I'll be so glad when it gets going. All the preparation can be a bit stressful and I have lists all over the place, hoping I won't "forget" anything.

Also debating about what to wear to the Whitney Gala. I'm not much of a shopper, in fact, if it's not at Costco, I usually don't buy it. I did look on-line at used stuff, but it was too hard to commit without trying anything on. The best part about the conference is seeing old and new friends!

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