Kimberly of Temporary Insanity just reviewed ABINADI!
Thanks so much, Kimberly!
There are still a few more reviews coming in (one will be in BYU Magazine this spring as well).
Thanks everyone! My publisher has been happy with the success of ABINADI.
In fact, about 15 minutes ago, I just received the editing notes for ALMA THE ELDER (release Fall 2009). My editor said she thought it was awesome. So that's a good thing to hear when I settle down into editing. I met with one of my beta readers last week--who is doing a late-read on the manuscript--and he said he thinks it's my best book yet.
In other news, I finished chapter 2 of Women of the Book of Mormon and am well into chapter 3 (told you it would take FOREVER). I hope to turn it in by June 1 (coinciding when the kids are out of school).
Whee- I love editing.
Just blog hopping and found your blog. You upcoming projects sound interesting, especially the Women of the Book of Mormon. Good luck with your deadlines!
Congratulations on the success of Abinadi (not that I'm surprised--it's a fantastic book!). And good luck with your edits!
I really like that picture of Abinadi!
Good luck on all your upcoming work!
Thanks everyone for the encouragement!
Can't wait for fall!
editing is so much fun! You are awesome.
When you say editing do you mean your edits or your editors. If they're your editors you are way more cheerful than I am. What are you drinking and where can I get some?
When you say editing do you mean your edits or your editors. If they're your editors you are way more cheerful than I am. What are you drinking and where can I get some?
Good luck with your new book. I'm looking forward to picking up a copy of Abinadi next time I'm at the church bookstore.:)
I'm coming over from Mormon Mommy Blogs, asking for your help. I am in the running for a round trip airfare paid ticket to Connecticut, to meet a friend I became acquainted with through blogging. She is a super fun person and is holding this contest. I entered a funny story titled "Grapejuice Floaties, Now Marry Me." The person whose story receives the most votes will win a trip to meet this generous lady, whom I'm hoping to meet. The voting ends tonight-midnight. I used to be ahead but there is a story coming up from behind out of nowhere, and it's a tight race now. I would so much appreciate your help. Her blog is www.becausemomsaidso.blogspot.com and the voting is on the sidebar on the right. "Grapejuice, Floaties" Just go there and cast a vote for me, please. Thanks so much-you're awesome! ♥♥
Hey, I just wanted you to know that my husband LOVED Abinadi! I won it through the December LDS publisher contest and of course I haven't read anything but Annette's book in almost a year (long story, you know why) but I definitely intend to read it. One day. Along with sooooooo many others. sigh
Thanks for letting me know, Heidi! I put your book on my to-read list :)
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