Friday, October 24, 2008

Book Giveaway WEEK 9!!

This is the LAST week of the book giveaway. And the winner is Don. Congratulations! Email me your address at: heather at hbmoore dot com and I'll get your copy of Land of Inheritance mailed off.

Possibly as early as next Saturday (November 1st) my new book, Abinadi, will be in stores.

But before we end our 10 weeks of questions, I have one more . . . and you guessed it--it applies directly to the theme of Abinadi.

What would you give up for religion? Or even, what are you willing to give up for your religion.

I was born and raised in the LDS-faith, so we are expected to forego certain things like alcohol, coffee, strong drinks, tobacco, and live a moral life. Regardless of why we have chosen to follow a particular path, it can still be difficult. When my kids are driving me crazy, I can't go and take a smoke break. Or when I get in a fight with a family member (which of course never happens, cause I'm so nice), I can't have a beer.

On the flip side, I have lost friends and possibly national agents/publishers because of my religion. There is quite a prejudice that still exists out there about Mormons--which is pretty laughable since we call ourselves well-educated in America. And I even find myself not able to promote my books in bookstores because my work is "too Mormon"--even in Utah. I had a publicist try to get me booked on radio shows or tv shows and they all said the same thing. My books were too Mormon.

When I lived in Jerusalem, I went out on a couple of dates with a guy who was Jewish. There was nothing serious about it since we were a part of a large group of friends. But when his family found out that he liked me, they were appalled--and it all came down to the fact that his grandparents were holocaust survivors, and not only was I Christian, but I was Mormon. I remember the bumper stickers on cars in Jerusalem read: "Mormons go home."


Sean said...

I am in the process of losing my family because I am Mormon. My family is super liberal and as I convert more and more to my faith, I am leaning more and more to conservative views.
During a recent family discusson, it was announced that I am no longer on the will to receive my neice in the off chance my brother and wife die. The reason given was because they don't want me raising her Mormon and that they are limiting my involvement in her life because of it.
During this whole California Prop 8 discussion, my father has repeatedly commented on how "my religion" shouldn't be dumping so much money into the Yes on Prop 8 debate. He was baptized Mormon when I was 9, but now he denies a testimony and has asked his home teachers to stop coming by and has asked me to stop talking about the church with him.

So the short answer - I'm willing to give up my family for my religion. Your next question should be "Why would you do that?" And the answer is - because the church is true and it is the only place I can be and have peace in my heart and peace in my mind.

Heather Moore said...

That's sad to hear, Sean. Unfortunately this situation is all too prevalent. No matter what faith. I just finished reading a book about a woman who was "disowned" for marrying a Jewish person. I don't get it--we live in an amazing country and we all believe in freedom of religion, yet we don't practice it with our own family members.

My son has been studying US history in 8th grade. It's so ironic that the pilgrams, etc. came over because of religious oppression. But they went right on persecuting others of different faiths once they established their colonies.

Did I mention that my 10th great-grandmother was hanged for being a "witch" in Salem, MA? Land of the free, indeed.

Nancy Campbell Allen said...

Sean, your story is incredible and I admire your strength. I can only imagine how hard it must be.

Heather, I think it's fascinating that you have a blood connection to the Witch Trials! I think you should write a book about it someday. Too bad you can't give it a happy ending. :-(

Sean said...

I don't think my story is unique. I'm sure there are several people in similar situations or worse. At least my dad and I still talk (as long as it is about sports or photography we're fine. I've heard of others whose family disowns them completely because of their faith. I just thought I'd share mine because I look at the examples given and I laugh. Not being able to smoke or drink is nothing like the feeling you get when you know that when we graduate to the next life, there will be an empty chair where your father could have sat. He knew the truth and yet chooses not to accept it. Nothing could be displeasing than that. Like I said - I'm not unique, but I do believe that there is a lot we might need to give up to be members of our faith, including our families.

But with faith in every footstep, we will be comforted in our loss by a Family that never strays from our Father.

Heather Moore said...

Thanks for sharing this, Sean. This morning I read an article about a married couple who teaches at BYU in the Chemistry department. She is Catholic and he is LDS. They've learned to respect each others religious choices. I thought of you when I was reading it. The image of the empty chair is very haunting indeed.

Julie Wright said...

I don't understand intolerance due to belief. My brother is homosexual and while no one in the family agrees with it, we all still love him and want him around. Sean your story is inspiring. I appreciated hearing it. Heather, that is so interesting to learn you're related to one of those poor women hanged in Salem. When I went to Salem last october for book research, I very nearly wept while reading the words the women uttered before they were hanged--their declarations of innocence. What a terrifying time to live in. It's sad to see we haven't come that far in enlightenment.